Many people have small gardens and you shouldn’t let this from preventing you to having a peaceful space. Here are some tips on maximizing the space that you have:
- Embrace the space you have
The size of your garden is what it is and you should embrace it and create the best you can with it.
- Build a garden box
Build an easy and cost-effective garden box as an alternative to a flower bed where you can grow plants, flowers, or vegetables. You could also build your own window boxes.
- Grow upwards instead of outwards
To save space you can grow plants upwards by using basic wire fencing attached to a fence or wall and supporting the vines to grow upwards by tying stems to the fence with cable ties. You can also turn a wooden shipping pallet into a vertical garden. Another option is to hang plants using a shoe organiser.
- Consider lighting
Consider buying some outdoor lights that can make your garden look pretty and feel bigger in the evenings.
- Make your own herb garden
You can make your own herb garden using mason jars or wine boxes to utilize space.
Happy gardening!
Mae gan lawer o bobl erddi bach ac ni ddylech adael i hyn eich atal rhag cael lle heddychlon. Dyma rai awgrymiadau i wneud y mwyaf o’r lle sydd gennych chi:
- Cofleidio’r lle sydd gennych chi
Ni allwch newid maint eich gardd a dylech ei chofleidio a chreu’r gorau y gallwch gydag ef.
- Adeiladu bocs gardd
Adeiladwch focs gardd hawdd a chost-effeithiol yn lle gwely blodau lle gallwch chi dyfu planhigion, blodau neu lysiau. Gallech hefyd adeiladu blychau planhigion i fynd ar eich ffenestri.
- Tyfwch i fyny yn lle tuag allan
Er mwyn arbed lle gallwch dyfu planhigion i fyny trwy ddefnyddio ffens weiren sylfaenol ynghlwm wrth ffens neu wal a chefnogi’r gwinwydd i dyfu i fyny trwy ei glymu i’r ffens. Gallwch hefyd droi paled cludo pren yn ardd fertigol. Dewis arall yw hongian planhigion gan ddefnyddio trefnydd esgidiau.
- Ystyriwch oleuadau
Ystyriwch brynu goleuadau tu allan a all wneud i’ch gardd edrych yn bert a theimlo’n fwy gyda’r nos.
- Gwnewch eich gardd berlysiau eich hun
Gallwch chi wneud eich gardd berlysiau eich hun gan ddefnyddio jariau neu focsys gwin i arbed lle.
Mwynhewch y garddio!