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Moving into your new home - Newydd Living

Moving into your new home

Symud fewn i'ch tŷ newydd

Moving into a new home can be very stressful and involves a lot of hard work. There are numerous important things to do after moving into a new house, here are some of them:

  1. Inform your utility suppliers

Contact all of your utility suppliers (gas, electricity, water, broadband etc.) to tell them that you are moving to a new home. You will need to give them as much notice as possible before moving. You will also need to set up utility suppliers at your new home.

  1. Ensure that all of your belongings have been delivered

Keep a list of all items that should be delivered to you new home and check that all of these items have been delivered. If you notice that something is missing or damaged you should inform the delivery company.

  1. Inform friends, family and organisations of your new address

It’s important that you inform your friends and family of your new address, in addition to the the following people:

  • Your work
  • Bank and insurance companies
  • The council
  • TV Licensing
  • Your GP
  • DVLA
  • Government bodies
  • Post redirection services
  • Online retailers
  1. Ensure that essential items are accessibly packed

You’ll need the below necessities for the first night in your new home, so we would suggest to pack a couple of easily accessible boxes with the following:

  • Kettle & mugs
  • Phone and laptop chargers
  • Duvet and bedding
  • Temporary furniture such as folding chairs
  • Television or radio
  • Important documents
  1. Unpack, clean, and organize

Unpack your belongings at your own pace, this is a mammoth job and might take a while. Everyone might have their preferences, but we would suggest unpacking room by room, starting with the kitchen. After unpacking you should thoroughly clean your new home. It is also important to find out what day your bins are collected.


Finally, and most importantly, enjoy your new home!

Gall symud i gartref newydd fod yn straen mawr ac mae’n golygu llawer o waith caled. Mae yna nifer o bethau pwysig i’w gwneud ar ôl symud i mewn i dŷ newydd, dyma rai ohonyn nhw:

  1. Rhowch wybod i’ch cyflenwyr cyfleustodau

Cysylltwch â’ch holl gyflenwyr cyfleustodau (nwy, trydan, dŵr ac ati) i ddweud wrthynt eich bod yn symud i gartref newydd. Bydd angen i chi roi cymaint o rybudd â phosib iddyn nhw cyn symud. Bydd angen i chi hefyd sefydlu cyflenwyr cyfleustodau yn eich cartref  newydd.

  1. Sicrhewch fod eich eiddo i gyd wedi cael eu danfon

Cadwch restr o’r holl eitemau y dylid eu danfon i’ch cartref newydd a gwiriwch fod yr holl eitemau hyn wedi’u danfon. Os byddwch chi’n sylwi bod rhywbeth ar goll neu wedi’i ddifrodi, dylech chi gysylltu gyda’r cwmni dosbarthu.

  1. Rhoi gwybod i’ch ffrindiau, teulu a sefydliadau am eich cyfeiriad newydd

Mae’n bwysig eich bod chi’n hysbysu’ch ffrindiau a’ch teulu o’ch cyfeiriad newydd, yn ogystal â’r bobl ganlynol:

  • Eich gwaith
  • Cwmnïau banc ac yswiriant
  • Y cyngor
  • Trwydded Teledu
  • Eich meddyg teulu
  • DVLA
  • Cyrff y llywodraeth
  • Gwasanaethau ôl-ailgyfeirio
  • Cwmniau ar-lein
  1. Sicrhewch fod eitemau hanfodol yn cael eu pacio yn hygyrch

Bydd angen yr angenrheidiau isod arnoch chi ar gyfer y noson gyntaf yn eich cartref newydd, felly byddem yn awgrymu pacio cwpl o focsys hawdd eu cyrraedd gyda’r canlynol:

  • Tegell a mygiau
  • Gwefryddion ffôn a gliniaduron
  • Dillad gwely
  • Dodrefn dros dro fel cadeiriau plygu
  • Teledu neu radio
  • Dogfennau pwysig
  1. Dadbacio, glanhau, a threfnu

Dadbaciwch eich eiddo ar eich cyflymder eich hun, mae hon yn dasg enfawr a gallai gymryd cryn amser. Efallai y byddai gan bawb eu ffordd eu hunain, ond byddem yn awgrymu dadbacio ystafell wrth ystafell, gan ddechrau gyda’r gegin. Ar ôl dadbacio dylech lanhau’ch cartref newydd yn drylwyr. Mae hefyd yn bwysig darganfod pa ddiwrnod y cesglir eich biniau.


Yn olaf, ac yn bwysicaf, mwynhewch eich cartref newydd!